Lyme Disease
Part of the Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases Information Resources for CFS, FM, MCS, Lyme Disease, Thyroid, and more...
Last updated January 1, 2014
© 1994-2014 Melissa Kaplan or as otherwise noted by other authors of articles on this site
Lyme Disease
Part of the Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases Information Resources for CFS, FM, MCS, Lyme Disease, Thyroid, and more...
Last updated January 1, 2014
the IgG & IgM Western Blot For Lyme Disease
Melissa Kaplan
IgG and IgM Western Blot provides results in a way that
lets us visualize the patient's antibodies. It is more
sensitive and specific than the ELISA and EIA (that is,
it is more likely to show positives where the ELISA/EIA
showed negatives). The IgG and IgM WB should always be
used when the Lyme IgG/IgM antibody serology has returned
an equivocal or positive result.
the patient is highly symptomatic of Lyme, there is actually
no point in doing the ELISA or EIA serum tests, as they
do not have the sensitivity or specificity of the Western
Blot that is needed to have a prayer of detecting Borrelia
burgdorferi (Bb), the organism that causes Lyme disease.
In a sane world, wherein the CDC and AMA really did their jobs in protecting the public health and ensured the quick and proper diagnosis and treatment of patients infected with tick-borne infections, they would not bother with the ELISA and and similarly worthless tests and would, as you will read about below, pay attention to all the Bb specific WB bands when it came to Lyme testing. Alas, we live in this world, where, despite the publication of research from around the world, the CDC and AMA continue to ignore them, and recommend treatment protocols that result in undertreating active and latent or chronic infections, resulting in more people being sick and disabled by this disease.
to what many insurance companies believe, the IgG and
IgM Western Blot for Lyme disease are not the same test.
Some companies will deny one and pay the other, claiming
they are the same test or duplicative of one another.
IgG and IgM are two completely different antibodies.
antibodies are the first antibodies to be produced in
the body in response to an infection, and is produced
in great quantity. IgM antibodies are large, up to six
times larger than the IgG antibodies. IgM antibodies,
when present in high numbers, represent a new active infection
or an existing infection that has become reactivated.
Over time, the number of IgM antibodies will decline as
the active infection is resolved.
antibodies are produced once an infection has been going
on for a while, and may be present after the infection
has been resolved. Generally speaking, the presence of
IgG antibodies to an organism when accompanied by a negative
IgM test for the same organism means that the person was
exposed to that organism at one time and developed antibodies
to it, but does not have a current active infection of
that organism. When it comes to Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb),
the organism responsible for Lyme disease, that is not
necessarily the case.
recap, depending on the numbers,
Bb can hide in the brain and cerebral spinal
fluid (CSF) and by altering its surface proteins, can
remain invisible to the immune system for a long period
of time. Once the immune system figures out what it is
and starts making antibodies to it, it shifts is surface
proteins once again, fooling the body into thinking the
infection is over.
Bb can also turn itself into undetectable
cysts and various other forms (called L-forms) which also
help it elude the immune system. If the immune system
can't see it, the immune system can't make and, or only
insufficient antibodies, which all contribute towards
making the organism impossible to detect by any testing
methodology, including WB. Thus, blood and urine tests
for Bb can be negative, even if the patient is "challenged"
by being given high dose injections of antibiotics to
try to trigger a reaction from or partial die-off of Bb
that will cause it to show up in the blood or urine.
When a false negative is returned on a blood sample, it is called seronegative. There are many reasons why a seronegative result may be obtained. A seronegative result does not mean the person does not have an active or latent Lyme infection. It just means that this particular test was negative. That is why all the symptoms presented by the patient must be taken into consideration when making a clinical diagnosis, and why other appropriate testing should be done to rule out other causes for the wide range of symptoms being presented by the patient.
can be seen from the table below, The CDC's criteria for
what constitutes a positive result is very conservative.
As a result, it is believed by those who have been treating
Lyme patients for years, and by those developing other,
more sensitive tests, that the CDC criteria miss most
cases of borreliosis and, as a result of that underreporting,
grossly understate the incidence of Lyme in the United
Note On IGeneX
In late 2005, the New York Times knowingly published an inaccurate article about the accuracy of IGeneX's tests, including saying it had failed certification. In fact, IGeneX was in the midst of a routine recertification, something that all labs are required to do, and, as always, it passed, both in New York and California, the two most difficult states in which to get certified. If your doctor or family tells you IGeneX is 'bad', print out the the CLIA 2005-2007 certification and tell them to go do the research that the New York Times refused to do--and ignored when the certification was sent to them.
Note: The TBI tests done by MDL lay somewhere in between: not as sensitive as IGeneX (which uses two different strains of Borrelia), but not as extreme as the CDC's epidemiologic criteria for Lyme. IGeneX's FISH test for Babesia, and the antigen-in-urine test for Borrelia, are proprietary - no other lab does it.
Bb Borrelia burgdorferi Bmp Bacterial membrane protein Fla Flagellin HGE Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis kDa kilodalton = molecular weight Oms Outer membrane-spanning Osp Outer surface proteins p Protein
and Notes
The bands in the above table apply primarily to the U.S. species/subspecies of B. burgdorferi. For band information on European and other species, please see Art Doherty's And The Bands Played On.
Positive (+ or +/-) IgG results on Bands 31 or 34 kDa
may occur after vaccination in otherwise uninfected people.
IGeneX considers the IgM equivocal if only one of the
@ bands are present.
When reporting bands, the reporting laboratory marks each band with the following indicators of intensity:
Doherty. And
The Bands Played On
Inc. Lyme
Disease Western Blot
JL, Benach JL. Characterization
of antigenic determinants of Borrelia burgdorferi shared
by other bacteria. J Infect Dis. 1992 Apr;165(4):658-66
R, Wierzbicka I, Prokopowicz D. Western
blot banding pattern in early Lyme borreliosis among patients
from an endemic region of north-eastern Poland. Rocz
Akad Med Bialymst. 1998;43:210-20. Mervine, Phylllis. CALDA. Personal communication. 2004. Ravyn MD, Goodman JL, Kodner CB, Westad DK, Coleman LA, Engstrom SM, Nelson CM, Johnson RC. Immunodiagnosis of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis by using culture-derived human isolates. J Clin Microbiol. 1998 Jun;36(6):1480-8. Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S, Chmielewski T. Limitation of serological testing for Lyme borreliosis: evaluation of ELISA and western blot in comparison with PCR and culture methods. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2002 Jul 31;114(13-14):601-5 |
© 1994-2014 Melissa Kaplan or as otherwise noted by other authors of articles on this site
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